Grovni Foundation
Actual Board of Directors:
Funding guidelines: The Grovni Foundation has primarily dedicated its activities to the conservation of endangered autochthonous livestock breeds and cultivated plants, with priority in those countries where conscience for agro-biodiversity has not yet developed or where financial funds for conservation are lacking. We therefore use our limited means to support institutions active in this area. Financial contributions are especially used to build new nucleus breeds through the purchase of breeding animals of highly endangered and important livestock breeds. Animals, however, are not donated to breeders, but placed on loan basis within the frame of the SAVE Animal Loan System that requires a later provision of an equivalent animal for breeding purposes. The system aims to serves as a type of "Fonds-de-Roulement", supporting the quick breeding extension for endangered breeds and decentralizing geneline-doubles. Through decentralization is striven also to place more male breeding lines. Contributions are mainly made:
Contributions are not made:
Unfortunately, we are not in the position to support Arc-Farms or similar institutions as this would set a precedent. For a long time, we have been supporting the European network "Arca-Net" of the SAVE Foundation that comprises more than 600 stations in 46 countries. Numerous stations suffer from acute lack of financial funds. Repeatedly, some of them closed down. Therefore, we have decided not to support stations selectively. Wild animals: As our funds are limited, contributions to projects with wild animals are given to long-term lynx conservation and projects focusing on the reintroduction of the Northern Bald Ibis. These funds are fully allocated. |